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 Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions.


Who you are, what you do and what does kellyrosewellness site has to offer?


Hello everyone, my name is Kelly Peters, and I am honored to be here with all of you, and I am honored to be sharing the power of sound and vibration. As a certified reiki, vibration, and sound practitioner I intend to provide a safe, and relaxing place for you to enter into a theta or delta state for healing. Mentored and trained with the hand-hammered Himalayan bowls to produce a hypnotic sequence to drop you into a more relaxed state, while also trained in many other newer sound modalities.  I also use shamanic sounds such as drums and chakpas to ground and connect you within yourself. I do not do guided meditations but rather allow the pure sounds of the instruments to allow your body to find its own  unique healing.


What should I feel like afterwards?


Each and every sound session is a unique experience because our bodies and our minds are different each and every time we come in. Our intention is that you feel slightly better either energetically, physically, spiritually and or mentally. See more on our benefits page for more information on how sound healing helps the body.


Do I have to close my eyes?


This is personal preference and is not necessary to receive the benefits of sound. We do provide eye masks and many people enjoy falling asleep during the session. However, during some sessions, we do provide overhead visual lights if you prefer to keep your eyes open.


Does it hurt?


You should not experience any pain. If for some reason, one of the modalities is uncomfortable for you, you can always signal us and we will adjust immediately. Sometimes the sound session can feel slightly uncomfortable as we are moving a lot of energy throughout the body we suggest breathing through it and allowing your body to reclaim its nervous system. However, nothing should be painful in our sessions. in fact many people report pain relief during an after the sessions.


Can I attend if I have tinnitus?


Yes. Please let us know and we will test tuning forks and other items ahead of time to ensure your comfort. Most people with this condition have reported that the sound session has been pleasant and comfortable.


How many people are in group sessions?


Depends on the location. However, in general, it is usually around 10 to 15 people.


What does the chanting mean?


During our sessions, we chant over your body while singing the bowl on your chest for about 15 to 30 seconds. Each chant that we use has a different meaning but all of the meanings are positive and towards harmony and enlightenment. Feel free to ask us about your specific chant after the session is over.


What if I fall asleep and snore?


Please fall asleep, deep healing happens when you are asleep. If your snore becomes too loud, we will come wiggle your toe, and that usually solves the problem. Light snoring is a great background noise also so don’t stress about it.


What does it mean if I twitch during the session and or feel the temperature change?


Twitching, yawning, shaking, and other physical sensations during the sound bath, are indications that your body is recovering its own nervous system, and releasing trauma. if you have any of these physical sensations, they are a good sign and we encourage you to just breathe and notice what you are experiencing.


What ages can attend a sound session?


Any age can receive the benefits of sound, however, due to the nature of it being an hour, long laying down session it is recommended that parents bring children that are able to be still for that amount of time. With that I have seen children as young as five attend sessions. My daughter at 10 years old loves it. Teenagers love it. There is no upper age limit. as long as you can breathe I don’t care how old you are :)


Can I attend a session if I have ADHD?


Yes. This can be a very beneficial modality for people with this condition you may not fall asleep, but you will still be able to enjoy all of the sounds and the sounds are intended to send your mind into a relaxed state whether you want to or not.


What should I wear?


Comfortable clothes. You can keep your shoes on or off. Just depends on what feels great for you. If you’re wearing a necklace, we recommend you sliding it to the back or taking it off as we placeable on your chest. We also recommend avoiding zippers or buttons on midline l because we replace the bowl on your chest.


Is this religious?


This is not a religious experience. We do chant over the body using Sanskrit words positivity, however we are not promoting any religion, and upon request we can skip this step over you individually.


What are the Contraindications?


Sound therapy can be used on almost anyone at any time. However, please inform us if you are pregnant, have had surgery recently, have any devices or metal around your major organs, or device on our near the vagus nerve.


Do you get any more benefits by coming more than once?


You will receive immediate benefits, as well as benefits for the next few days. You will receive the benefits from one session however, the more sessions you attend the deeper you were able to go in the more relaxed and more healing your body is able to experience.


Can it help physical pain?


Yes. See the benefits page for more information.


How long is a session?


The sessions range, and change slightly depending on each session however 75-90 minutes should be allotted for arrival until departure.


Do I have to lay down?


We provide chairs and yoga mats for options of comfort. But if you prefer to set up completely, we can play the bowl on your legs instead of your chest, and you will still receive the benefits of the session.

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